Canada's Impact on US National Security Policy

 Canada has fought alongside the United States to defend our shared principles in World Wars I and II, the Cold War, Korea, the Balkans, the Middle East, and Afghanistan. In fact, Canadian sailors, soldiers, and aviators are embedded at all levels of the US military, protecting and defending our shared continent through search and rescue operations, drug interdiction, humanitarian assistance, and disaster relief missions.

For more than 65 years, personnel of the Canadian and American armed services have worked together to defend North America under the world's first binational military command, North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD). Throughout its existence, NORAD has been prepared to detect and respond to threats to North America, whether from intercontinental ballistic missiles, airplanes, terrorism, or air, missile, and space vehicles. Canada is additionally a establishing part of the North Atlantic Arrangement Organization (NATO), which has contributed to world peace, security, and solidness for more than 75 a long time. 

US Foreign Military Sales

The United States Remote Military Deals (FMS) program, which is run by the Department of Defense and approved by the Office of State, could be a way to promote safe arms deals that strengthen defense relationships between the US and other countries and make it easier for US forces and their allies to work together.
It was a record-setting year for program bargains in 2023. Beneath the US Exterior Military Bargains program, Canada bought 71% of all the vital military gear that Canada arranged to utilize, and 8% of all US bargains supported by accomplices exterior of the US.
Since the utilization of Canada's "Strong, Secure, Bolted in" assurance approach in 2017, the country's U.S. outside military deals portfolio has tripled in esteem to around $13 billion USD. Canada makes critical commitments to the financial security of the Joined together States.  Canadian purchases immediately benefit American workers. Canada has been a part of the US FMS program for more than 50 years and is one of the top 20 global customers, the top five NATO customer nations, and the largest customer in the Americas.

Civil Assistance Plan.

In February 2008, the two countries signed the Canada-U.S. Civil Assistance Plan (CAP), a bilateral document that allows military members from one country to support the armed forces of the other during a civil emergency, provided that government authorities have agreed on an appropriate response.
Military forces from one country could be provided at the request of another, allowing for the rapid deployment of military personnel and assets to respond to devastating events such as floods, forest fires, hurricanes, earthquakes, and the aftermath of a terrorist attack, in order to save lives, prevent human suffering, and mitigate property damage.

The CAP identifies Public Safety Canada and the United States Department of Homeland Security as the respective principal federal agencies for emergency preparedness in each country. The plan, which was renewed in January 2012, was first used successfully in September 2008 during Hurricane Gustav, when Canada provided a CC-177 Globemaster III aircraft to help evacuate medical patients from the southern United States, as well as two CC-130 Hercules aircraft for humanitarian assistance efforts.

Does Canada rely on America for defense?

Canada and the United States are critical to each other's mutual protection and interests. Canada, like the United States, has done and continues to do a lot to promote common defense. The Arctic appears to be NATO's next battleground, and the United States, Iceland, Denmark, and Canada are all prepared to fight.
With new members Finland and Sweden joining the region. The majority of the expected nuclear strikes from Russia or China will be transpolar, thus Canada and Alaska are the ideal places to search for them. Canada probably contributes more to the US's defense than the other way around. Canada does not have a large army, but our soldiers are exceptionally well trained. My old unit had a slogan that stated that software (people) is more essential than hardware. And when it comes to the fight, it can mean all the difference. From World War I to the Global War on Terror, Canada has an unrivaled battlefield reputation. We can defend Canada, but deploying to fight in other countries is another issue. Unfortunately, we do not have a large budget or military. So, when we are deployed beyond our boundaries, we will nearly always rely on Allies, particularly the United States, to support the task. Our air assets represent one of the most critical stop gaps. In the modern war, air assets are massive. Despite making gains throughout the Afghanistan campaign with lift capability such as the CC-17s and the acquisition of Chinook helicopters.


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